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Color As Nature Designed It

The Perfect Palette is Right Outside

Our team was recently in Big Sky Montana working on a some really amazing residential projects and we had the opportunity to hike to Oussel Falls.

During the hike I kept thinking (and commenting) on how beautiful the tones of the landscape were. That we had unknowingly incorporated many of these tones into our furniture and color palette presentations- here they were reflected in the Montana landscape, which is surprisingly different from Utah. I feel like as designers and architects the more we are influenced by the area we are designing around the more we are able to stay true to creating that seamless blend of indoor/outdoor living.

Most clients who want to build a vacation home in the gorgeous mountain of Montana, Utah or Colorado are looking to experience a lifestyle that focuses on the natural beauty that surrounds them. Getting out and into the environment your client wants to build around can be fantastically inspiring. Look at how unique these tones are in the striation of the rock. The contrast of charcoal against the bands of raw sienna and the pops of rust. Notice how sea glass blue and emerald the water look as you see it in the light and the shadows. From this one picture you can extract a “theme” a color palette that creates an ethereal outdoor experience and bring it indoors. It can be literal or it can be used as inspiration.

Another tip to remember when creating the palette for the hard surfaces inside- is that some clients will highly value practicality, durability and clean-ability. Being cognizant of the color of the dirt, dust, rocks, gravel and wildlife that may be brought in doors by family, guests and pets can help clients make wise choices on carpet colors, wood floor tones and tile. This can make “hiding or masking” dust and dirt easier, and we all know that tends to help people feel calmer and less stressed-which is exactly what you want when you are staying at a vacation home. Help your clients feel confident that you know the experience they are trying to invoke inside the home by getting OUTSIDE the home and seeing, feeling and learning what nature’s perfect color palette is.

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